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Polymorphisms of the IL12B and IL23R genes are associated with psoriasis


Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and their association with psoriasis were examined in 1810 psoriasis cases, 2522 controls and 509 pedigrees. Two IL12B markers showed a highly significant correlation with psoriasis in the case control study (rs3212227, odd ratio [OR]: 1.62 and rs6887695, OR: 1.49) and in the family based analysis. Two IL23R SNPs also showed a significant association in both cases and controls (rs7530511, OR: 1.22 and rs11209026, OR: 1.40). No statistical evidence for interactions of these haplotypes with HLA-Cw6 was found. The association between IL12B and IL23R and psoriasis was confirmed (Nair, RP. et al. J Invest Dermatol 2008, 128[7]: 1653-1661). --> -->

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