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Economic evaluation of maintenance treatment with tacrolimus ointment in adult atopic dermatitis


A 12-month, pan-European (13 countries), phase III, multicenter, randomized trial assessed the outcomes and treatment utilization of the maintenance use (MU) or standard use (SU) of tacrolimus ointment 0.1% in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). There were 75 and 59 patients in the MU and SU groups, respectively. In the MU group, 57% and 43% had moderate and severe AD, respectively. In the SU group, 59% and 41% had moderate and severe AD, respectively. It was found that the MU group had a lower number of disease exacerbations than the SU group, regardless of disease severity. For patients with moderate AD, the number of disease exacerbations was 2.4 versus 5.5 in ...

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