Clinical trials

Condition   Drug Name  
Study Fluticasone propionate in lichen planus
Design Multicenter; Retrospective
Patients 3
Treatment Regimen Fluticasone proprionate, 1000 µg/d p.o.
Conclusions Fluticasone propionate effectively achieved remission of esophageal lichen planus symptoms
Reference(s) Oral fluticasone proprionate for the treatment of symptomatic esophageal Lichen planus: A case series
Gastroenterology 2007, 132 (4, Suppl. 2):Abst S1975.
Author and Affiliation Grover, S.C., Shin, J., Saravanan, R., Cho, S., Kamalaporn, P., May, G.R., Kandel, G., Kortan, P.P., Marcon, N.