Future Trends in Treatment with Botulinum Toxin
A. Carruthers, J. Carruthers, D. Railan - University of British Columbia, Division of Dermatology, Vancouver, Canada

Dermatoscopy and melanoma
Giuseppe Angenziano Department of Dermatology, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy
Behçet’s Disease
Meltem Onder Department of Dermatology, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Search among more than 2400 clinical trials in dermatology in our Clinical Trials section.
Searchable by condition and/or drug name, each entry includes a summary of the study design, conclusions, as well as interactive references.


  Plagues of the Old Times in the Third Millenium
Focus on Itch Therapies: A Report from the 4th International Workshop for the Study of Itch

September 9-11, 2007 San Francisco, California, USA.

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