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Proactive treatment of atopic dermatitis: Evidence for challenging current paradigms


The evidence for proactive, long-term, low-dose, intermittent topical antiinflammatory therapy in pediatric and adult atopic dermatitis (AD) patients was reviewed. Five trials were evaluated in which a proactive approach to AD was taken and the therapies employed comprised fluticasone propionate cream and ointment, tacrolimus ointment and methylprednisolone aceponate cream. The advantages of proactive treatment comprised prolonged flare-free intervals, fewer exacerbations and increased quality of life. Safety data did not reveal an increased signal for risk between proactive and reactive approaches (Wollenberg, A. 17th Congr Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol (EADV) (Sept. 17-21, Paris) 2008, Abst. SSP10.4).

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