- Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality
- American Public Health Association
- American Social Health Association
- British Medical Association
- Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Ministry of Health), Germany
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Department of Health, United Kingdom
- European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
- European Union of Medical Specialists
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Health Canada
- INSERM - National Institute of Health and Medical Research
- Medical Research Council
- Ministère de la Santé et des Sports, France
- Ministério da Saúde, Brazil
- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India
- Ministry of Health and Welfare, Spain
- Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
- National Cancer Institute
- National Center for Health Statistics
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- National Institute of Health and Science on Aging (INRCA), Italy
- National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan
- National Institute of Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
- National Institutes of Health
- National Skin Centre Singapore
- Pan American Health Organization
- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan
- World Health Organization
- World Medical Association
Societies and Professional Medical Associations
- Academia Brasileira de Medicina Antienvelhecimento (ABMAE)
- Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología (AEDV)
- Academia Mexicana de Dermatología (AMD)
- American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)
- American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
- American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS)
- American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
- American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)
- American Board of Dermatology (ABD)
- American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)
- American Burn Association (ABA)
- American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS)
- American College of Phlebology (ACP)
- American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS)
- American Dermatological Association (ADA)
- American Hair Loss Association (AHLA)
- American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD)
- American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)
- American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS)
- American Society for Mohs Surgery (ASMS)
- American Society for Photobiology (ASP)
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
- American Society of Dermatology (ASD)
- American Society of Dermatopathology (ASDP)
- American Vitiligo Research Foundation (AVRF)
- Anti-aging Medicine and Research India (AMAR)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF)
- Arbeitskreis Psychosomatische Dermatologie (APD)
- Argentine Association of Dermatology (Asociación Argentina de Dermatología, AAD)
- Asian Academy of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (AAAJAA)
- Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AADV)
- Asian Dermatological Association (ADA)
- Asian Society for Pigment Cell Research (ASPCR)
- Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica (ASOCOLDERMA)
- Asociación Mexicana de Micología Médica (AMMM)
- Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India (ACSI)
- Association of Italian Clinical Dermatologists (AIDA)
- Associazione Dermatologica Ionica (ADI)
- Associazione Italiana Dermatologi Ambulatoriali
- Associazione Italiana Ricerca e Informazione per la Vitiligine
- Atlantic Dermatological Society
- AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine (A5M)
- Australasian College of Dermatologists
- Australian and New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA)
- Australian Dermatology Nurses’ Association
- Austrian Society for Dermatology and Venereology (ÖGDV)
- Baltic Association of Dermatologists (BAD)
- British Association for Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH)
- British Burn Association (BBA)
- British Contact Dermatitis Society (BCDS)
- British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG)
- British Epidermo-Epidemiology Society (BEES)
- British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI)
- British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS)
- British Society for Dermatopathology (BSD)
- British Society for Investigative Dermatology (BSID)
- British Society for Medical Dermatology (BSMD)
- British Society for Paediatric Dermatology (BSPD)
- British Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine (BSAAM)
- British Teledermatology Society (BTS)
- Bulgarian Dermatological Society
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
- Canadian Association of Wound Care (WAWC)
- Canadian Dermatology and Skin Science Nurses
- Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA)
- Canadian Dermatology Foundation (CDF)
- Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)
- Canadian Melanoma Foundation
- Canadian Professors of Dermatology
- Chinese Society of Dermatology (CSD)
- Colégio Brasileiro de Medicina Antienvelhecimento e Longevidade (CBMAE)
- Colegio IberoLatinoamericano de Dermatología (CILAD)
- Croatian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (HUEM)
- Croatian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (CSPRAS)
- Cyprus Society of Dermatology and Venereology (CSDV)
- Czech Academy of Dermatovenereology (CZADV)
- Czech Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (AMPS)
- Czech Society of Dermatology and Venereology
- Danish Society of Dermatology and Venereology (DANDERM)
- Dermatological Circle of Peru (Círculo Dermatológico del Perú, CIDERM)
- Dermatological Society of Malaysia (PDM)
- Dermatological Society of Singapore (DSS)
- Dermatology Foundation
- Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA)
- DERMATOMAROC - Dermatologie Maroc
- Deutscher Psoriasis Bund e.V.
- Dutch Society of Dermatology and Venereology (NVDV)
- Eczema Association of Australasia
- Eczema Scotland
- Eczema Society of Canada
- Eesti Psoriaasi Liit - EPsoL
- EORTC Lymphoma Group
- EORTC Melanoma group (EORTC MG)
- EuroAsian Dermatology Platform
- European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)
- European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
- European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO)
- European Burns Association (EBA)
- European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN)
- European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group (EECDRG)
- European Hair Research Society (EHRS)
- European Medical Laser Association
- European Nail Society (ENS)
- European Science Foundation
- European Skin Research Foundation (ESRF)
- European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology (ESCAD)
- European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR)
- European Society for Laser Dermatology (ESLD)
- European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD)
- European Society for Photobiology (ESP)
- European Society for Photodynamic Therapy in Dermatology
- European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR)
- European Society of Aesthetic Surgery (ESAS)
- European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD)
- European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE)
- European Women´s Dermatologic Society (EuWDS)
- Finnish Dermatological Society
- Finnish Psoriasis Association
- French Society for the History of Dermatology (SFHD)
- French Society of Aesthetic Surgery (SFCE)
- French Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (FSAAM)
- French Society of Dermatological Research (Société de Recherche Dermatologique, SRD)
- French Society of Dermatology (FSD)
- French Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SFDP)
- German Academy of Dermatology (DDA)
- German Dermatological Laser Society (DDL)
- German Dermatology Association (BVDD)
- German Skin Research Centre Foundation (GSRC)
- German Society of Anti-Aging-Medicine (GSAAM)
- German Society of Dermatology (DDG)
- Grupo Brasileiro de Melanoma
- Grupo Internacional de Terapéutica Dermatológica (GITD)
- Hellenic Society for Dermatologic Surgery (HSDS)
- Hellenic Society of Dermatology and Venereology (EDAE)
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation, Inc.
- Hong Kong Association of Specialists in Dermatology
- Hong Kong Society of Dermatology & Venereology (HKSDV)
- Hungarian Dermatological Society
- Iberian Latin American College of Dermatology (Colegio Ibero Latinoamericano de Dermatología, CILAD)
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- Indian Society of Teledermatology
- Indonesian Institute of Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine (IIAAAM)
- Indonesian Psoriasis Care Foundation
- International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology (IACD)
- International Dermoscopy Society (IDS)
- International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)
- International Foundation for Dermatology (IFD)
- International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS)
- International Skincare Nursing Group
- International Society for Bioengineering of the Skin (ISBS)
- International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas (ISCL)
- International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS)
- International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
- International Society of Dermatology
- International Society of Dermatopathology (ISD)
- International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
- International Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD)
- International Society of Teledermatology
- Internet Dermatology Society
- Iranian Society of Dermatology
- Irish Association of Dermatology (IAD)
- Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists
- Japanese Dermatological Association (JDA)
- Japanese Dermatological Society for Medical Computing
- Japanese Psoriasis Association
- Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID)
- Japanese Society for Pigment Cell Research (JSPCR)
- Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (JAAM)
- Korean Anti-Aging Medical Association (KAST)
- Korean Dermatological Association
- Macedonian Dermatovenerologic Society
- Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat (Hungarian Dermatological Society)
- Massachusetts Academy of Dermatology (MAD)
- Medical Dermatology Society (MDS)
- Melanoma Study Group, UK (MSG)
- National Association of Physicians for the Environment (NAPE)
- National Eczema Association (USA)
- National Organization for Albinism and Hypoprigmenation (NOAH)
- National Skin Centre Singapore (NSC)
- Network Lipolysis: Worldwide Physicians' Network for Lipôlysis & Aesthetic Medicine
- New Zealand Dermatological Society
- Norwegian Dermatological Society (NDS)
- Norwegian Psoriasis Association
- Oman Dermatology Society (ODS)
- Pacific Dermatologic Association (PDA)
- Pan Arab League of Dermatology (PANARABDERM)
- Pan-American Society for Pigment Cell Research (PASPCR)
- Pennsylvania Academy of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery (PAD)
- Philippine Dermatological Society
- Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SPDV)
- Primary Care Dermatology Society
- Romanian Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (AMAA)
- Romanian Society of Dermatology (SRD)
- Royal Belgian Society for Dermatology & Venereology (SRBDV)
- Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists
- Samtök Psoriasis og Exemsjúklinga (SPOEX) Psoriasis and Exema, Association
- Saudi Society of Dermatology And Dermatologic Surgery (SSDDS)
- Schweizerische Psoriasis und Vitiligo Gesellschaft (SPVG)
- Scottish Dermatological Society (SDS)
- Slovak Dermatovenereological Society (SDS)
- Sociedad Argentina de Dermatología (SAD)
- Sociedad Centroamericana y del Caribe de Dermatología
- Sociedad Chilena de Dermatología y Venereología (SOCHIDERM)
- Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Dermatología (SED)
- Sociedad Española de Medicina Antienvejecimiento y Longevidad (SEMAL)
- Sociedad Ibero-Lationamericana de Dermapatología (SILADEPA)
- Sociedad Latinoamericana de Dermatología Pediátrica (SLDAP)
- Sociedad Latino-Americana de Fotobiologia e Fotomedicina (LSPP)
- Sociedad Mexicana de Dermatología
- Sociedad Peruana de Dermatología (SPD)
- Sociedad Venezolana de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica (SVDCD)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Antienvelhecimento (SOBRAE)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Dermatológica (SBCD)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia (SBD)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Laser
- Società Italiana di Dermatologia Chirurgica ed Oncologica (SIDCO)
- Società Italiana di Dermatologia Medica, Chirurgica, Estetica e delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse (SIDeMaST)
- Società Italiana di Dermatologia Pediatrica
- Società Italiana di Dermatologia Psicosomatica
- Société Française de Médecine et Physiologie de la Longévité (SFMPL)
- Société Tunisienne de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie (STDV)
- Society For Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Malaysia (SAAARMM)
- Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID)
- Society for Melanoma Research (SMR)
- Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD)
- Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants (SDPA)
- Society of Dermatology Skin Care Specialists (SDSS)
- Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV)
- Swedish Society for Dermatology & Venerology (SSDV)
- Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology (SSDV-SGDV)
- Taiwanese Dermatological Association (TDA)
- Texas Dermatological Society (TDS)
- The Community for Teledermatology | Dermatology
- The History of Dermatology Society (HDS)
- The Photomedicine Society
- Tissue Viability Society
- Turkish Society for Dermatopathology
- Turkish Society of Venerology (DZHD)
- Ukrainan Psoriasis Association
- Ukrainian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Cosmetologists (UADV)
- Winter Academy of Dermatology (WAD)
- Women's Dermatologic Society
- World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine (WAAAM)
- World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM)
- Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) Society
Universities and Hospitals
- American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS)
- Baylor College of Medicine. Department of Dermatology
- Brigham and Women's Hospital. Harvard Skin Disease Research Center
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Dermatology, Venereology, and Allergy Clinic
- Collège des Enseignants de Dermatologie de France (CEDEF)
- Columbia University - Presbyterian Hospital. Department of Dermatology
- Cornell Dermatology
- Dalhousie University, Division of Clinical Dermatology & Cutaneous Science
- Dermatology research in the Department of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne
- Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology
- Emory University School of Medicine. Department of dermatology
- Federal University of Sao Paulo, Department of Dermatology
- Fukushima Medical College, Japan, Dermatology
- Harvard Medical School. Dermatology Department
- Indiana University. Department of Dermatology
- Johns Hopkins Department of Dermatology
- Karolinska Institutet
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie am Biederstein, Technische Universität München, Germany, Dermatology
- Mayo Clinic
- McGill University, Division of Dermatology
- New York University Medical Center. Department of Dermatology
- Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Dermatology
- OHSU (Oregon Health and Science University). Department of Dermatology
- Osaka University, Japan. Department of Dermatology
- Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Dermatology
- Saarland University Hospital, Germany. Dermatology
- St. John's Institute of Dermatology, King's College London, United Kingdom
- Stanford University Medical Center. Department of Dermatology
- Texas Tech University. Department of Dermatology
- The University Medical Center Freiburg
- Tulane University Medical Center. Department of Dermatology
- Université de Montréal, Deparment of Dermatology
- University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland. Dermatology
- University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, Department of Dermatology
- University Medical School of Debrecen, Department of Dermatology
- University of Aachen, Department of Dermatology
- University of Alberta, Division of Dermatology
- University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. Department of Dermatology
- University of Bonn, Germany. Dermatology
- University of British Columbia and Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre. Division of Dermatology
- University of Cardiff, United Kingdom, Dermatology
- University of Dundee, Department of Dermatology
- University of Dusseldorf, Department of Dermatology
- University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Dermatology
- University of Erlangen, Department of Dermatology
- University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, Dermatology
- University of Göttingen, Germany, Dermatology
- University of Illinois College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology
- University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Department of Dermatology
- University of Miami. Department of Dermatology
- University of Michigan. Department of Dermatology
- University of Minnesota. Department of Dermatology
- University of North Carolina. Department of Dermatology
- University of Pennsylvannia. Department of Dermatology
- University of Pittsburgh. Department of Dermatology
- University of Rochester Medical Center. Department of Dermatology
- University of Tampere Medical School, Finland. Dermatology
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Department of Dermatology
- University of Toronto, Division of Dermatology
- University of Vienna. Dermatology
- University of Wisconsin
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Division of Dermatology
- Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff University,Department of Dermatology
- Washington University School of Medicine. Department of Dermatology
- Yale University Department of Dermatology
- Yamagata University, Japan. Department of Dermatology