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In vivo expression of antimicrobial peptides is enhanced in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis


A comparative analysis was conducted of the in vivo protein expression and secretion of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) psoriasin, RNase7 and human beta defensins 2 and 3 (hBD-2 and 3) in 22 patients with psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and atopic dermatitis (AD). Punch biopsies were taken from lesional and nonlesional skin, and age- and gender-matched controls were included in the analysis. All AMPs showed upregulation in lesional and nonlesional skin in PV and AD versus healthy controls. However, staining was strongest in PV patients. AMP expression was lower in AD than PV but higher than in controls. The role of AMPs in infection rate frequency of AD patients is still to be ...

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