A study investigated the transcriptional response to vaccinia virus in atopic dermatitis (AD; n=12), psoriasis patients (n=12) and healthy controls (n=13). In AD skin, the following genes were downregulated after vaccinia virus exposure (compared to psoriatic and healthy skin): inflammatory genes chemokine ligand 22, chemokine ligand 5, leukotriene B4 receptor; wounding genes orosomucoid 1 and thrombin receptor; immune genes complement component 9 and IgJ polypeptide (Grigoryev, D.N. et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol [Annu Meet Am Acad Allergy Asthma Immunol (AAAAI) (March 13-17, Washington) 2009] 2009, 123 (2, Suppl.): S37, Abst 128).