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Development of a noninvasive genomic-based assay to detect melanoma


A more objective method to detect melanoma was evaluated by Epidermal Genetic Information Retrieval (EGIR) technology which noninvasively samples stratum corneum samples via tape stripping. An Affymetrix assay then identifies 7,199 differentially expressed genes which can separate in situ and invasive, spreading melanoma and lentigo maligna from atypical nevi. A 19-gene classifier which discriminated melanoma from atypical nevi was found. It was 100% sensitive and 88% specific for detection of melanoma. Its positive predictive value was 78% and negative predictive value was 100%. Thus this novel EGIR technology may be more sensitive than traditional histopathological methods for detecting melanomas (Wachsman, W. et al. J Invest Dermatol 2009, 129(Suppl. 1): S141, Abst 844).

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