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Efficacy of subcutaneous immunotherapy in atopic dermatitis in patients with aeroallergenic symptoms


The efficacy of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SIT) against skin symptoms in patients with allergic asthma or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with concomitant atopic dermatitis (AD) was investigated in 27 patients aged 6-62 years. Twenty patients completed the study and were desensitized to grass, tree and crop pollens and house dust mites. Seventy per cent of patients had improved skin and respiratory symptoms and overall assessment by physicians and patients was "good or very good". Thus SIT may be a useful approach in this selected group of patients with aeroallergenic symptoms (Kolomecka, F. et al. 29th Congress Eur Acad Allergy Clin Immunol (June 5-9, London) 2010, Abst 1619).

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