Behçet's disease (BD) is a chronic, inflammatory multisystemic
condition of unknown etiology. It is clinically characterized by
recurrent orogenital ulcerations and skin eruptions; ocular
manifestations; arthritis; vasculitis and in some cases
neurological and large vessel involvement. Etiology has not been
defined, but genetic, environmental, viral, bacterial and
immunological factors have been proposed as causative agents.
Treatment includes colchicine, thalidomide, steroids and
immunosuppressive agents and it is based on the severity of
systemic manifestations, such as severe ocular symptoms, central
nervous system involvement, arterial aneurysms and thrombosis of
themajorveins. Mortality is related to major system involvement. In
this article thed ifferent clinical features, the multiple faces of
BD, and treatment modalities are summarized.