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Serum psoriasin levels are lower in patients with active psoriasis

Serum psoriasin levels are lower in patients with active psoriasis


A study conducted by investigators at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden evaluated the serum levels of psoriasin and psoriasin-specific autoantibodies in patients with active psoriasis. Immunochemistry analysis of psoriatic skin lesions showed high psoriasin expression in psoriatic epidermis. Although patients with psoriasis had lower mean systemic psoriasin antigen levels compared to healthy controls (213 vs. 331 ng ml-1), no statistically significant differences were found when assessing psoriasin-specific autoantibodies. Furthermore, levels of psoriasin tended to decrease with increasing severity of the disease. In view of these results, the authors concluded that psoriasin and psoriasin-specific autoantibodies are not useful biomarkers for psoriasis (Anderson, K.S. et al. ...

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