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Adolescents with skin conditions have specific quality of life issues

Adolescents with skin conditions have specific quality of life issues


Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 32 adolescents (aged 12-19 years) attending dermatology clinics to evaluate various health-related quality of life (HRQoL) issues using the HRQoL scale. Six main HRQoL domains were identified which had an impact on the patients' QoL. These included: psychological (91%); physical (81%); social (81%); lifestyle (63%); need for support (41%); and education and employment (34%). Each individual had a mean of 8.1 items which affected their HRQoL with a range of 1-23. (Golics, C.J. et al. Dermatology 2009, 218: 357).

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