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Allergen microarrays: A novel tool for IgE profiling in adult atopic dermatitis

Allergen microarrays: A novel tool for IgE profiling in adult atopic dermatitis


The utility of allergen microarrays in the diagnosis of adult atopic dermatitis (AD) was investigated and compared with a conventional method of specific IgE (sIgE) measurement. In 40 adult atopic subjects, microarray sIgE levels were correlated with the results of fluorescence enzyme immunoassay (FEIA). In a further 20 AD patients, individual sIgE recognition patterns were assessed by microarrays and evaluated with regard to clinical AD features. Microarray and FEIA results were significantly (r = 0.72-0.99) correlated. AD patients revealed several sensitizations per patient and 65% had sIgE against cross-allergens especially birch or alder pollen, apple and celery. The current study showed microarrays to be a promising tool, but further large scale studies ...

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