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Psoriasis as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation and stroke

Psoriasis as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation and stroke


A Danish nationwide cohort study (1997-2006) in 4.6 million subjects identified 40,262 patients with psoriasis and assessed their risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) or stroke. Patients were stratified into those with mild (n = 38,774) or moderate-severe psoriasis (n = 2,854). Psoriasis was associated with AF in mild (relative risk [RR]: 1.22) and moderate-severe psoriasis (RR: 1.50). Increased risk of stroke was seen in both mild (RR: 1.19) and moderate-severe psoriasis (RR: 1.45). AF and stroke were age dependent (RR: 2.88 and 1.92, respectively) in patients with moderate-severe psoriasis (Ahlehoff, O. et al. 59th Ann Sci Session Am Coll Cardiol (March 14-16, Atlanta) 2010, Abst 1128-94).

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