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Prevalence of cardiometabolic abnormalities in individuals with moderate-severe plaque psoriasis

Prevalence of cardiometabolic abnormalities in individuals with moderate-severe plaque psoriasis


The multinational PRISTINE study assessed the efficacy and safety of two different regimens of etanercept in 273 patients with moderate-severe plaque psoriasis. Baseline cardiometabolic parameters for this group were presented. The prevalence of various parameters were as follows: hypertension (36%), metabolic syndrome (39%), diabetes mellitus (14%) and prediabetes (34%). Of the diabetic and prediabetic patients, 31 and 17% had evidence of chronic renal disease, respectively (Puig, L. et al. 40th Meeting Eur Soc Dermatol Res [Sept 8-11, Helsinki] 2010, Abst 408).

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