A 63-year-old woman was referred to
our hospital for excision of asymptomatic, multiple tumors on her
face and back, which had been slowly growing for 4 years. Within 3
months, two of the tumors on her face increased in size, eroded and
started to bleed. Several biopsies were taken by her dermatologist,
and histological features were consistent with Bowen's disease.
Her previous medical history
included hysterectomy (30 years earlier) and breast cancer (20
years earlier), treated by right mastectomy and one course of
chemotherapy. Moreover, multiple myeloma with overproduction of IgG
Lambda was diagnosed 10 years later. In the following years, she
has been in partial remission, regularly receiving numerous courses
of different chemotherapy. There was no history of ultraviolet
overexposure. The patient was admitted for further examination and
tumor excision.