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Critical appraisal of clinical practice guidelines for psoriasis vulgaris: 2006-2009

Critical appraisal of clinical practice guidelines for psoriasis vulgaris: 2006-2009


A systematic literature review from 2006-2009 evaluated clinical practice guidelines for psoriasis vulgaris (PV) using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) instrument. Eight guidelines from 5 separate groups fulfilled inclusion criteria and 4 used AGREE standards. Each guideline received high scores (> 90%) for scope and purpose (94-100%) and clarity and presentation (92-100%). However, each of the guidelines had deficiencies in at least one item, including stakeholder involvement, development rigor, applicability and editorial independence. Despite the use of predefined standards, some important deficiencies still exist with recent PV guidelines (Tan, J.K. l. et al. J Invest Dermatol 2010, Advance publication).

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