Core Papers

Dermatological Disorders in Men of Color
Dermatological Disorders in Men of Color

Dermatological Disorders in Men of Color

Sejal K. Shah and Andrew F. Alexis

Published:  04 December 2008



Structural, functional and cultural differences among individuals of diverse racial or ethnic groups contribute to variations in the prevalence and clinical presentation of numerous skin conditions. A thorough understanding of these differences is essential in the management of hair and skin diseases, especially in patients with skin of color in whom structural features, grooming practices, and cultural hair and skin care practices often play a significant role in pathogenesis. Given this relationship, several skin conditions occur almost exclusively in persons of color, in particular men. As census projections predict that people of color will constitute approximately 50% of the U.S. population by the year 2050 [1], it is of utmost importance that the practicing dermatologist is cognizant of these distinctions and how they influence not only skin diseases but also their management. This article discusses several dermatological conditions that occur more commonly in men of color, including pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), dissecting cellulitis (perifolliculitis capitis abscendens et suffodiens) and keloids.

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