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Excimer laser versus topical clobetasol in the prurigo form of atopic dermatitis

Excimer laser versus topical clobetasol in the prurigo form of atopic dermatitis


A 10-week, prospective, randomized, within-patient, controlled study of excimer laser (EL) versus clobetasol propionate 0.05% (CP) ointment was conducted in 13 patients (aged 31-69 years) with a prurigo form of atopic dermatitis (AD). EL was applied to one side and CP on the other side of each patient in a randomized manner. The primary outcome was the Physician Assessment of Individual Signs (PAIS) comprising the sum of five items including the number of nodules, excoriation, erythema, induration and pruritus assessed on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Follow-up assessments were made at 1, 3 and 6 months post-treatment, i.e., weeks 14, 22 and 36. Both therapies produced a significant improvement in the ...

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