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New data on the role played by filaggrin mutations in AD and ichthyosis vulgaris

New data on the role played by filaggrin mutations in AD and ichthyosis vulgaris


Previous studies have provided evidence for an association between filaggrin, a protein involved in the aggregation of keratin filaments in the skin, and diseases such as ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis (AD). A Danish pediatric prospective study revealed that 63% of carriers of a function loss mutation in the filaggrin gene developed AD within one year. Further research revealed that 1 of 10 people of European origin carry 1 filaggrin null mutation, and they have only 50% of the normal amount of filaggrin protein in the skin and have dry skin and/or mild ichthyosis vulgaris and a high risk of AD. Furthermore, 1 of 400 people of European origin carry ...

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