Vitiligo vulgaris is a skin hypopigmentation or depigmentation
caused by loss of functional melanocytes activity in the skin.
Experimental and clinical evidence supports an autoimmune etiology
in the onset of vitiligo vulgaris. A variety of additional
mechanisms have credible scientific evidence backing their role in
vitiligo as an illness, including free-radical oxygen species
production, neurological alterations, chemically induced melanocyte
toxicity and psychological distress. Vitiligo is estimated to occur
in 0.4-1% of the worldwide populus. Vitiligo first appears in
individuals under the age of 20 years in 30-60% of cases. One-third
of these cases will be segmental, which is a localized mosaic
variant. Generalized illness tends to affect the periorificial
areas, the intertriginous skin and the skin overlying the joints.
The fact that vitiligo can be cosmetically disfiguring may cause
alterations in psychological well-being during the formative years
of emotional development. Treatments are aimed at slowing or
stopping disease progression, effecting repigmentation, covering up
any cosmetic defects and addressing psychological distress. A
cyclic approach to treatment includes alternating topical
calcineurin inhibitors, topical corticosteroids with or without
topical calcipotriene, ultraviolet light sources including
narrowband UVB and excimer laser, and surgical intervention where
tolerated. Adjunctive therapy including self-tanners, cosmetic
cover-up and psychological interventions should be offered where
necessary. In addition, work-up for autoimmune thyroiditis should
be initiated in children with generalized vitiligo. This article
reviews important recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of
pediatric and adolescent vitiligo vulgaris.