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Alcohol misuse in psoriasis patients: Relationship to disease severity or distress

Alcohol misuse in psoriasis patients: Relationship to disease severity or distress


Alcohol consumption was assessed in a cohort of 135 patients with moderate-severe psoriasis to investigate any association between alcohol intake, anxiety, depression and disease severity. Difficulties with alcohol were experienced by 22-32% of patients; 7% had increased carbohydrate-deficient transferring representing a heavy alcohol intake. No significant association between excessive alcohol consumption and disease severity was noted. Excessive alcohol intake was associated with increased depression (P = 0.001), but other measures of excess did not correlate with psychological distress. Males had significantly more difficulties with alcohol than females (P < 0.001) (McAleer, M.A. et al. Br J Dermatol 2011, Advance publication).

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