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Leishmania-Poor Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Daniela Kulichova and Thomas Ruzicka
Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the most common form of this protozoan disease. First a reddish papule is noted, which can develop into a chronic ulcer. Histologically, numerous amastigotes are present in the cytoplasm of multiple histiocytes, and heavy inflammation is noted. The ulcers are usually painless, but leave disfiguring scars. The diagnosis is seen mostly in tropical and subtropical areas. Solitary lesions can be excised, while another proven approach is local photodynamic therapy.


In a 2-year-old, healthy girl from Iraq, a skin lesion on the right cheek had been observed for 8 months. A painless ulcer covered by a gray-yellowish hyperkeratotic crust appeared on top of the initial small red papule. The remaining family members were healthy.

Clinical Findings

On physical examination, an asymmetric, oval, gray-yellowish crust, measuring 4 cm in diameter, surrounded by a slightly red rim, was noted on the patient's right cheek (Fig. 1). The lesion was not painful. After the abrasion of the crust (Figs. 2 and 3) a punch biopsy was obtained for histological verification. No accompanying systemic signs were present.

Click here to read the full clinical case

17th Brazilian Congress of Esthetic Medicine, 6th International Anti-Aging Congress, 2nd International Congress of Dermatology

Sao Paulo, Brazil
2-5 June 2010

Summer Dermatology Conference (SDPA)

Chicago, United States
10-13 June 2010

6th Congress of the European Association of Dermatologic Oncology

Athens, Greece
16-19 June 2010

6th World Congress for Hair Research

Cairns, Australia
16-19 June 2010

2nd Eurasian Aesthetic Surgery Course & 14th Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress

Istanbul, Turkey
17-20 June 2010


Mumbai, India
19-20 June 2010

Congrès Annuel de Recherche Dermatologique (CARD)

Marseille, France
21-22 June 2010

Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) 85th Annual Conference

St. John's, Canada
30 June 2010 - 04 July 2010