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Pediatric psoriasis: a retrospective analysis

Pediatric psoriasis: a retrospective analysis


A Greek single-center, retrospective analysis was conducted between 2005 and 2008 to profile all children diagnosed with psoriasis (N = 125). The male:female ratio was 1.4:1, the peak age of onset was 9-10 years and only 16% of patients had a positive family history of psoriasis. The most common subtypes were plaque psoriasis (56.8%) and scalp psoriasis (33.6%). The limbs were the most prevalent affected site (56%) followed by the body (47.2%) and scalp (48%). The majority had < 5% skin involvement and male patients were more severely affected (P = 0.008). The most common treatments were topical corticosteroids, followed by keratolytics, calcipotriol and the topical calcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus and pimecrolimus (Stefanaki, ...

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