Professional Development

4 - Create, Control and Improve
To create, control and improve your own daily planner management model, you must: - Discriminate the activities of the post or functions you hold, of which you are in charge, which should be no more than 20. You can also highlight, on a daily basis, the completed tasks. What is important is that any activity you note on the daily planner must be briefly classified for statistical purposes. - Create a planning pattern. It may be weekly, every two weeks, or monthly. We suggest weekly planning. Listing your activities with their respective importance makes it easier to meet the goals of the position held. What are, and how much time should I spend on the things that must be done to meet my goals? This is when you should start to chronologically specify the activities, in other words, what are the proper days, hours or periods that, in principle, are best for you to perform this or that activity, in terms of effectiveness or efficiency? You, for example, know that it may not be reasonable to call someone at eight in the morning; your business calls would be more appropriate if they were made at ten or eleven o´clock. You should use the model as a guide for planning each period, even if you cannot strictly follow the daily planner. - Define your own rules for planning and controlling the activities in your daily planner. Set up a system, define the time periods to fill in with activities, and the codes to use. There are several models, but it is important that you feel comfortable with the one you chose and that you employ it in a consistent manner.