Professional Development

62 - Summary: Writing the article
In summary, the main objectives of each section of a scientific article and the parts that must comply more strictly with the specific guidelines of each journal are the Abstract and References. The author must follow the exact procedures contained in the Instructions to Authors to facilitate the revision by the editor and referees.The Introduction section must accurately describe the objectives of the study.The Methods section must provide sufficient information in case others wish to repeat the experiment.The Results section describes the scientific evidence found in the study, such as the main findings.Finally, the Discussion section must clearly explain the meaning, relevance and possible application of the findings.Most people first read the abstract of a scientific article in databases like PubMed. Therefore, the Abstract is a key tool to disseminate our results, and it must contain the key points of our research (aim, main methods, main results and conclusion).Once again, people who do not have the time to read the full article the first time usually read the Abstract and final paragraph of the Discussion section, which contains the conclusions. Therefore, we must also summarize the most relevant findings of our study in the Conclusion section.