As for empathy, we define it as the ability to understand others' emotions and to put oneself in another's place in order to understand what he feels and why he feels that way. Goleman defines it as the ability to perceive and respond to the feelings that others, including myself, express nonverbally. Goleman understands that the roots of your concern for others come from the capacity for emotional attuning and empathy. The capacity to perceive the feelings of a person may happen in a broad range of situations, from sales to love or family relationship, experiencing feelings, such as compassion, and social actions. Lack of empathy is also significant and is observed in sociopaths, criminals, rapists and child abusers; that is, they are not sensitive to others' emotions or feelings.People's feelings are rarely expressed in words. They are expressed through other signals. In fact, saying "I love you" at a given moment has little meaning if the words are not accompanied by the right gestures, a meaningful relationship and the appropriate context. The key to intuiting another's feelings is in the ability to read nonverbal channels, and a great tool to work on empathy with is nonverbal communication. To be able to distinguish tone of voice, gesture, facial expression, etc., is a key tool to deal with empathy.