Professional Development

10 - Adult as the control element
That is what we mean when we say that the Adult has a control function over the other states. The objective does not lie in disregarding the Parent component and the Child component, but in being free to examine this set of data and having liberty to act. This point is where we begin to see the basis for the initial assertion that this is a great tool for emotional intelligence, because the Parent and Child components are sources of emotion, while the Adult component is a control element. We are not talking about eliminating the Parent component or the Child component, in the same way that we are not eliminating emotions, but rather in being capable of controlling them appropriately, and this is what transactional analysis suggests with respect to behavior in general.We should also take into account that the Parent component and the Child component are predictable since they act according to old information, recordings that are derived from things that took place in the past, while the Adult does not work from these recordings and changes its conduct according to that which best suits it according to the circumstances identified and valued and the objectives pursued. Another important aspect is that in each of us the boundaries between Parent, Adult and Child are not that easy to draw; and the more critical the situation, the more difficult it becomes to distinguish those boundaries. In critical situations the boundaries are further blurred; nevertheless, it is interesting to see that when a person feels that they are in an acutely defenseless situation, their Child component invariably tends to emerge.