Professional Development

12 - Observing transactions
Earlier we said that what is seen in Transactional Analysis is that in observing transactions we can identify how a person is and what emotional state they are in, but for this we observe not only what they say, but how they say it, that is to say: the words, voice, clothing, posture, attitude and conduct of a person can help to determine in what ego state they are to be found. Some keys to identifying this are found in this table. For example, the critical controlling Parent uses words like "ought to," "have to," "don't be ridiculous," etc. The critical controlling Parent voice is usually critical, annoyed, mocking, frowning, an accusing finger and a moralist, authoritarian attitude and so on. From these keys and observing our behavior, our way of being and expressing ourselves, as well as the behavior, and the way people who we relate to are and express themselves and with a great deal of practice, it is not difficult to say what ego state a person is in, and as that state begins to appear repeatedly, also to say what that person is like.