The significance of eccentric hyperpigmentation (EH), central hyperpigmentation (CH), multifocal hyper/hypopigmentation (MH/HP) and the multicomponent pattern has been assessed in melanocytic lesions with none of the more specific dermoscopic features of melanoma. A total of 3,367 lesions were studied, 2,206 of which did not have melanoma-specific dermoscopic patterns; of these 2,206, 2,180 were benign melanocytic lesions and 26 were melanomas. True EH (OR 3.3) and MCP (OR 15.4) were found to be significant predictors of melanoma when the frequency of the global dermoscopic patterns of all melanomas was compared with those of benign melanocytic lesions. However, when all lesions without specific dermoscopic features of melanoma were examined, there was no significant difference ...