The Instructions for Authors include the address where the manuscript must be sent, the scope of the journal and the types of articles accepted, the style to be adopted in the manuscript and reference sections, and technical instructions for digital submission and electronic artwork of the manuscript.Scientific journals usually require that manuscripts be typewritten, double-spaced, on one side only, on A4 opaque white bond paper with at least 2.5 cm margin on all sides.The double-spacing of all portions of the manuscript – including the title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, individual tables and legends – and generous margins make it possible for editors and reviewers to edit the text line by line, and add comments and queries directly on the hard copy. If manuscripts are submitted electronically, the files should also be double-spaced, because the manuscript may need to be printed for review and editing.During the editing process, reviewers and editors frequently need to refer to specific portions of the manuscript, reason why the pages must be numbered, including the title page.