Professional Development

28 - Karpman's drama triangle
Finally we see Karpman's drama triangle, which suggests that in interpersonal relationships we usually fall, with relative ease, into the game trap, in which we relate by establishing pairs, where one plays the role of Victim and the other can play the part of critical Parent, with an attitude of Persecutor, or at least that of nurturing Parent, with a Rescuer attitude. Once this game is established it is extremely destructive, both for the functioning of interpersonal relationships and for the psychology, equilibrium and psyche of each of the players in the game. The critical Parent gives aggressive strokes, which is what the victim is asking for, they are looking for negative strokes, whether aggressive or of pity when they receive them from the nurturing Parent, who also gives negative strokes of pity. You have to be careful with this type of game; there is a very simple rule to avoid them: it consists of simply refusing to play. As soon as you detect that you have fallen into a psychological game, it should be cut off. The example is simple. It is the same as we would recommend to a Child who complains that their classmates are picking on him and calling him "four eyes." The more he complains, the more he protests and the clearer he makes it that they are hurting him, the more likely it is that they will continue calling him four eyes. The more indifference he shows and the clearer he makes it that the comments do not upset him, that is to say, if he refuses to play, the more likely it is that it will soon pass into memories of what happened in school.end